Details of the Children’s Ministry Support Package
GFS Melbourne Inc. will provide funds for a Parish to employ a Children’s Ministry Worker for approximately 10 hours per week.
The funds will be provided at a level guided by the Authorised Stipendiary Lay Minister rates as determined by the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.
The summary of financial support is as follows:
Year One: 100% support at a maximum of 10 hours per week.
Year Two: 66% support at a maximum of 10 hours per week.
Year Three: 34% support at a maximum of 10 hours per week.
Year Four: The Parish will provide 100% of the stipend for the Children’s Ministry Worker.
Practical support and training is also available, as is guidance with key ministry tips for ministry among children.
Please contact the KidsPlus+/GFS Liaison Officer for more specific details regarding the financial arrangements of this Children’s Ministry Support Package.